10 weeks plus? – free expedite!

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    My scenario:
    – renewal of a lost passport
    – applied 10 weeks and 3 days a go
    – application in “processing” for 9 weeks
    – due to fly in 14 days

    Called today to potentially fast track, but option wasn’t needed. If you are due to fly within 14 days and 10 weeks has passed since you applied, they can expedite (push you application to an examiner) free of charge.

    No need to visit the office as it’s not like upgrade when you pay and then visit office. This option is simply flagging your application for an examiner to look at it as a priority.

    This is what has happened today and told that passport should be approved and sent to printing within 2 working days.

    To get this option call the standard advice line and request to be put through to the progress team. They will try to put you down for call back, but insist it is done there and then as urgent and it’s causing you stress (they will cave eventually).

    Once through to the progress team they are great and will take all your details and start the process.

    Will update in a couple of days to see if our passport has moved forward, but an option for people to try if they have already been waiting so long!


    Every replacement passpoet is taking 10 plus weeks. I’m approaching 12 weeks on Friday. If I haven’t booked a holiday yet but need to travel in 8 days, do I have any option?


    If 10 weeks has passed and you have an international flight booked in the next 14 days, they can fast track it free of charge.

    Worth noting it’s been 3 days since they did this for me and still no movement. Plus print and delivery seems to be taking between 5 to 10 days once approved also

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