10 weeks wait time exceeded. What next?

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    Flippo2605, Did you do your application online?


    My 10 weeks finally passed yesterday and the online tracker page changed to say that as my 10 weeks had passed I can now email the expedite team with full details along with travel documents if I am travelling in the next two weeks (which I am). They say they will check the application and come back to me in 48 hours.
    Also spoke to someone yesterday on a callback. She told me they are getting through applications at the moment based on travel dates and are currently operating at about 4 days away from the travel date.
    Squeaky bum time!!


    @colandjo73 not to be a bummer but you won’t hear most likely just 2 or 3 days before your flight. I was in the same situation as your (now I am almost 13 week) flying on Monday, proof provided. They acknowledged my application is expedited but today we are 4 days prior travel abs I have not heard of them. Phone calls and email so far In vain. Hope you are more lucky !!


    Vegele, I hope I am too! The one good thing is that I am only 5 miles away from Glasgow office so not a major issue to queue up once the deadline reaches 48 hours before travel. Good luck too, let me know when you hear from them. Hope its today.


    Where do you fit in if you have no travel booked? Seems unfair they’re asking for proof of travel – just because we have nothing booked doesn’t mean we don’t have plans to travel. Just waiting for passports before booking anything. So do I not get prioritised at all now? 😔

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Estival.

    Estival, good question! And one that does not appear to have an answer I’m afraid. Presumably you would have to take the risk and book something in the hope that the backlog is cleared by then or else knowing that you will have to do the two week chase!


    @estival. I agree and why do so many get their passports approved in a matter of days (with our expedite service) and not travelling. When I applied in March little that we know that processing times are 10 weeks. Disappointingly it takes so much longer for so many. I am almost 13 weeks and read some got their application cancelled as they reached the 90 days.


    @vegele Yes I agree. It’s so maddening when you hear lots of stories of people only applying in June and even this month and they’ve already got them back!! It’s so frustrating they’re processing the newer ones and the older ones are just left forgotten about. I didn’t realise people’s applications were getting cancelled at 90 days- is that standard for everyone?? Hope that doesn’t happen 😕


    @Estival – I thought we were getting somewhere and ive spoke to someone this morning who advised its been checked and waiting to be printed, but they were arranging an emergency call back wondered why so used webchat and they’ve told me its still waiting to be examined so 12 weeks in and still no further forward


    and i missed the call back


    @ks18 have had the exact same thing. Monday was told it’s approved and awaiting printing, but more recently they’re saying it’s awaiting checks before printing. Glimmer of hope when told it was awaiting printing as you’re into final few days of waiting then but they took that hope away again. Emailed expedited on Monday as we fly on 26th but still not heard, also on at least two call back lists from the upgrades team.

    Might as well bang my head against the wall.


    Good evening,
    I’m looking for a bit of advice please?
    I’m passed the 10 weeks for passport renewals for myself and my son. We travel on the 24th July.
    I’ve emailed the expedited service inbox, but am yet to receive a response other than the automated reply.
    Through talking to an agent on the phone I’ve managed to establish that the passports are being processed in Durham.
    If I don’t hear anything early next week, is my best option to turn up at Durham on Thursday/Friday next week? We travel the Sunday after that (hopefully!)
    I’m based in Brighton so Durham is about a 6-hour drive each way. I’m guessing I won’t have any joy if I turn up at the London Victoria office (which would be much more convenient travel wise).


    Honestly is still luck if the Upgrade processes it. The priority for the passport office is the statistics to say that over 98% of applications are dealt within 10 weeks. Reducing the backlog is not a priority. By principle you could hear from them 72 before your flight. But not the case for so many. I am going to the nearest passport office in person tomorrow. They receive you if flight within 12, 24 or 48 hours. A few offices will allow for others if applications is over 10 weeks as last priority, but some offices turn you down. Maybe it depends on how busy they are on the day.


    @sussesplum Honestly is still luck if the Upgrade processes it. The priority for the passport office is the statistics to say that over 98% of applications are dealt within 10 weeks. Reducing the backlog is not a priority. By principle you could hear from them 72 before your flight. But not the case for so many. I am going to the nearest passport office in person tomorrow. They receive you if flight within 12, 24 or 48 hours. A few offices will allow for others if applications is over 10 weeks as last priority, but some offices turn you down. Maybe it depends on how busy they are on the day.


    Hi all, this will be my last post (hopefully). I went to the passport office today. Arrived 6:20 about 10 people ahead of me. Seen at 8am (given a number and a paper to fill in with application details). While waiting I got just after 9am a call from the Belfast office that my application has been approved and I could pick it up at 1:30pm.
    So I could have avoided the way to the office, but honestly I could not take the risk to leave it to the last minute. One lady had plane same day and was dealt with immediately, but the office asked her why didn’t she come the day prior (24 hours before travel).
    Though my upgrade request had been acknowledged on July 2nd I did a few calls yesterday (not progress but management team) and the last one in the evening was maybe one too much as she hand up saying she can she it is our 3rd call today…
    FYI: I am now 13 weeks since documents received (PEX353); child renewal and imminent travel.

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