“Application Approved” – Now how long will it take for me to receive it?

Home Forums General Passport Application Discussion “Application Approved” – Now how long will it take for me to receive it?

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    My Application was finally approved today. It now says it is printing and they will let me know when my passport is ready to dispatch.

    I’m planning on going away in 7 days time. Hopefully I’ll get it in time. Can anyone advise how long the final part of the process takes?


    Hi Hullcity104, fingers crossed it arrives before your departure! It used to be pretty quick print and delivery in normal times (2-3 days).

    My childs renewal have been stuck in the “documents received” stage for a couple of weeks now. May I ask how many days it was for you between the “Documents Received” and “Application Approved” stage, and were there any other stages in between? Much appreciated.

    Good luck with your passport!


    TNT/ FedEx will drive your brains to the wall may take forever to be delivered.


    Hi @saqib213

    I am the same as you … The website is stuck in documents received for 3 weeks. I’m flying in 3 weeks and getting nervous that my passport has somehow got lost in the system.

    Did yours move forward at all.


    Just had my application approved for my daughter.. documents were received 3rd September at the Durham office.. any ideas on turnaround for printing and delivery? do they print over the weekend?


    Just had my daughters approved, does anyone have times on printing and delivery


    My kids was approved 9am Friday in Liverpool. Just been delivered (2pm Monday)

    Most are within 1-2 working days


    Hi all,
    I’ve had 2 applications approved (adult renewal and child first) approved on Friday 4th March 23:30 and Saturday 5th March 13:45 respectively. Applications have not moved onto “Printed and sent” as of yet. Anyone had a passport recently that can tell me how long they were between approval and received?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by rossl92.

    Mine were all dispatched next day after approval with one being sent out the same day as approval, think it’s taking 1-2 possibly 3 days to print and send out due to high demand


    Hi – what date did you process your app / post your old passports, pls? I processed on the 21/2 and posted on the 22/2 but still no acknowledgment that they’ve received my old passport. Go on hols on the 4/4.


    Thanks jespop30. One application has now went to printed and sent, let’s see how long it takes.

    Hopmeister1 – I was 10 days from HMPO receiving my documents to them marking as documents received, this was on 18th Feb. I think you’ll get an update soon


    Hello all. I started my application (first child) 16th Feb (ID verified etc)

    Docs received 28th feb
    Processing started 8th March

    Peterborough office

    Will update if anyone is interested

    Holiday booked for 4th April (forgot my 9month didn’t have a passport!)


    Hi All,

    I applied for my childs renewal on 25th Feb, sent old passport over the weekend and it arrived on Mon 28th feb via tracked and signed delivery, they acknowledged receipt on the 9th march so waiting now for next steps, how long do you think it could take for delivery of passport?


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