Applications whilst locked down

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    Not sure which office and haven’t spoken to him since. I believe their system must be incredibly disorganised and inefficient.

    Has anyone managed to get anything out of them regarding whether more staff will be returning to work?


    Hi everyone,

    I’ve just received an update from HMP office that my application has been approved and that the passport is being printed. Below is my timeline:

    Application submitted: 28 March
    Documents received: 6 April
    Application being processed: 27 April
    Application approved: 19 May


    This makes me hopeful as I submitted mine the same day on the 28th March – do you know which office was dealing with it – where did you have to send your documents?

    Thanks for updating everyone


    My documents were sent to Durham office. Hopefully you’ll receive an update soon too.

    Good luck everyone!


    Hey guys…
    Glad to hear some of you are a bit further down the lane. My post is further back on the forum. 2 kids renewals from OVERSEAS were received on 19 March and processed 20 March. I’ve sent emails, made phone calls and also emailed Liverpool passport office direct stating the urgency of requiring passports due to repatriation under lockdown. We are also relocating overseas and need passports for onward immigration. We are not wanting them for a holiday. It’s urgent!

    Been 8 weeks and still waiting on a response…amazingly, the Foreign Office in London which is closed has provisionally certified documents we required within 2 hours! But passport office just don’t respond!

    I’ve been advised to get local MP back home involved.


    Applied 03/03/2020
    Being processed 09/03/2020.
    Child first passport
    Application submitted in Uk (online)
    My application is wel before Lockdown
    Received couple of E mails saying due to covid less staff and will take longer than usual.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by dan.

    dan, which office did you send it to?


    Iv sent my documents to Liverpool.
    But application made online


    Can’t believe you’re still waiting dan! My application was online but documents sent to Liverpool…also for child first passport. Cant believe how long it’s taking.


    Shazzalats I’m in a similar situation. I submitted renewal applications for my daughter and I from Dubai. It was to Liverpool also.
    It was being “processed” one working day after yours on 23rd March. I submitted before the lockdown

    Rob who also submitted to Liverpool from Germany a couple of days before us received his. So I am hoping that we will receive some good news soon.

    I don’t know what the lockdown rules are in Germany but you must be celebrating!!

    I’m really hoping if the wait goes into June the lockdown rules have been relaxed more and things start to get processed faster.

    I have to express my disappointment NOT at the waiting, because we are in an unprecedented situation. However they (passport office) have to taken no accountability for the approximate waiting times and how things are progressing.
    If they sent a periodic reminder such as: “your application is X out of XXX anticipated waiting time XXX.” That would be really helpful.

    I need my passport mainly to present to the banks for ID purpose, due to the current financial situation but I am not able to do so. All is on hold until they see original ID. A copy of old passport in not sufficient.


    I applied for 2 passports to renew my children’s passports for adult passports (so basically a standard renewal)
    Online applications received 14/4/20 one to Durham and one to Peterborough.
    Durham: 22/4/20 old passport received
    : 15/5/20 approved
    : 19/5/20 new passport received
    Peterborough: 17/4/20 old passport received
    : Still awaiting approval
    I guess there is a time difference depending on which office is doing it – some perhaps have more staff than others.


    Daughters renewal approved, printed and posted yesterday 18/05/2020 and we applied 21/03/2020


    It seems increasingly obvious that which office you send documents to is a big contributing factor in wait times. It would be helpful if we all share this information when giving updates to assess any patterns or likely processing times.

    My details:-
    Type of application: Adult renewal with name change due to marriage
    Nationality: British And UK based
    Office Documents sent to: Peterborough

    Application submitted and received date: 28/03/20
    Documents received: 06/04/20
    Application being processed: 07/04/20

    No further update received since that date

    Days since application: 52
    Days since status changed to ‘being processed’ = 42

    Anyone else submitted to Peterborough and been approved since lockdown started?


    I mistakenly said mine was sent to London. It was actually also Peterborough. Days since status changed to approved: 43, so we are on a similar timeline. But mine is to replace a damaged passport, so may not be being checked by the same department in the office.


    Above post was meant to say since changing to processing.

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  1. Latest News – Lockdown Sceptics says: July 9, 2020 at 10:39 pm

    […] it’s not just Guy and me, obviously. Check out the comments in this forum – it’s an unending stream of passport […]