Can someone give me some hope?

Home Forums General Passport Application Discussion Can someone give me some hope?

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    Hi all,

    I just want to find out what the processing time from being approved to being delivered?

    I’m due to fly on 3rd may and I’m really stressing. Didn’t think it would take this long!

    I emailed the upgrade team on Tuesday 19th but this now out the window as this has now been approved today 22nd April. I spoke to the advisors and asked what are the chances of me picking this up from local office they said I can’t, they weren’t sympathetic or helpful at all. Feel really stressed out!

    Any response is much appreciated!!!



    I’m in the same boat I got approved today.. And said its been sent for printing I travel on 7th May, fingers crossed you get in time, I think from printing to delivery should be no lore than a week surely?


    Can you not upgrade to just pick it up??

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