Fast Track appointment cancellations?

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    Does anyone know if there are ever any cancellations put up for fast track appointments? I went online at 2amish today and could see some were available but not until May 17th. We fly on May 14th ):

    Only realised at the 11th hour that passports needed three months valid after return date and our two adult passports miss it by a few weeks ): ): discovered this while frantically researching pending first child passports which we have been waiting on with white knuckles…and just today received an email saying they have been approved. Gutted, one problem solved and another springs into place ): ):


    P.S. For those who are interested in our child passport timeline: documents received on 18th March (just over 2 weeks after posting), application started being processed on 1st April, application approved today (26th April.) So 39 days between docs arriving and approval. We went through the Liverpool office.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by cambot2022.

    Hi Cambot,

    I think they do – as sporadic appointments become available whereas quite a few drop at the same time when they release bulk appointments.

    It’s frustrating but keep checking.

    6.45am there were some for 17/18th but last night a few got released for Liverpool a week on Thursday.


    Ah that gives me hope.

    And do the bulk appointments drop at midnight do you know?


    I managed to get an appointment last night, got right through booking, said continue to payment, then verified with banking app, the money immediately said pending in bank, the site then said continue payment again then crashed, I’ve had no confirmation email or text, money still showing as pending, does this mean I have an appointment or should I have had a email from them?



    We got an email confirmation pretty much straight away, so I’d guess it’s not confirmed.

    However, before booking another I’d ring to double check.

    I got stuck at the payment screen c.6 times but once i got through to the authorisation page it worked.

    Good luck!


    @Ryerkt88 Mine email was also straight away. Then I had a text come through some 12 hours later confirming time and place and links for their Covid policies and guidance on filling form in.

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