First Adult Passport

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    I applied first adult passport for my 16 years old son online. We sent away birth certificate for both of us along with my divorce certificate to Bootle. Documents are received on 20 April but we are due to fly in 2 weeks time next Tuesday. I have seen some post about first adult passport interview. Is this for every first adult passport and are they going to interview my 16 years old son? And can we use the upgrade service for first adult passport from next Tuesday as we are flying in 2 weeks time. Should I email to Liverpool or should I call and ask where is his application?


    Given the delays in the system I suspect there is a very little chance of you getting your sons passport in time, you say the documents were received on the 20th April is this via the post tracking or has the application updated for documents received? When did you make the application?
    All applications for a 1st adult passport have to have an interview, so there is a chance your son will have to be interviewed – it’s not a light in the face style interview, more an informal chat, just to make sure they are who they say they are.
    Given the time until you travel I would contact the passport office to see what your options are, but be prepared for some bad news or to pay a lot more money to speed things up – but reading posts elsewhere even this route no longer seems to be a guarantee your passport will arrive in time.
    Good luck!


    Send off his birth certificate using next day special delivery on the 7th and system updated to say Documents Received on the 20th.


    If all first adult passport applications have to have an interview, what do they do if you are abroad?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Upsidedown.

    When applying online, going through the steps, it states ” you may need to be interviewed to confirm your identity…”. So it is not a must I think depends they have enough information to confirm your identity.


    First Adult passport after naturalisation

    I have just received an update that my application was approved. My timeline is below:

    Application submitted:. 9:33 am on 23 March 2022
    Ask someone to confirm your identity: 9:33 am on 23 March 2022
    Email sent to per confirm omg your identity: 9:37 am on 23 March 2022
    Identity details received: 10:02 am on 23 March 2022
    Application received: 10:02 am on 23 March 2022
    Documents sent by me on Friday, 25 March 2022 by Royal Mail special delivery. Documents sent to Bootle
    Documents marked as received by Royal Mail on Monday 28 March 2022
    Documents received on the tracker on 10:27 am on 7 April 2022
    Application approved on 11:43 am on 2 May 2022

    I had no interview so it’s not true that all first passport application s need an interview


    Is it his first adult passport after having a child’s one? I’ve heard some people not need to be interviewed for this.

    I think child passport to first adult passport and first adult passport after naturalization don’t always require an interview depending on the timeframes.

    However, If it’s his first passport ever though (this is the case with mine) then I’ve been told by 2 HMPO advisors that I will 100% need an interview.


    I had no interview so it’s not true that all first passport application s need an interview

    Not necessarily correct – you had recently gone through the naturalisation process which I assume during which you were interviewed? That is why you didn’t get a passport interview as your identity had been sufficiently proven by the other process.


    I replied to this last night but apparently it didn’t post. Even got told it was a duplicate reply when I clicked submit again 🤷‍♂️

    Anyway, is this your son’s first adult passport after having a child’s one or first one ever?

    All first passports are actually treated differently, there’s first adult after having a child’s one, first adult after naturalization and first adult passport ever.

    From people I’ve spoken to, first adult passport after having a child passport and first adult passport after naturalization may not always require an interview depending on the timeframe.

    First adult passport without having held one before 100% requires an interview now. This is the case for mine, as told to me by 2 different advisors. I don’t believe any first adult passports are eligible for fast track as well.


    @Stp this makes sense. @djbdane, I have never been interviewed not even during the naturalisation application

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