Fly Tuesday. If we do not hear today…………..

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    please send all your possitive thoughts our way
    I think if we do not hear from the upgrade team today then it will be to late.
    We will try one last time with the complaints department and probably one more with customer service ( which in my opinion is an Oxymoron as they do not provide any service apart from telling you not to worry or just be patient)
    We are broken. This whole process has ruined us


    Do you have a direct number never for the complaints line? Which office did your upgrade get sent to if you don’t mind me asking. I was told it had to also be actioned by someone in processing on your application file, we’ve been waiting since last Wednesday and heard nothing yet x


    Hi Nixxi92,

    I don’t have a direct number I’m afraid I Just had to call 0300 222 0000 and asked to get put through.

    I spoke to the customer service management team on Tuesday who said I was eligible to upgrade to fast track. The gave me a little speech, said they had made a note on my application file and told me I had to email the upgrade team within 24 hours of my call. The offer expires after 24 hours. If the time elapsed I had to go through the process again.

    I was on hold for 2 hours 30 minutes!
    Good Luck


    I’ve emailed the day I spoke to the service manager to and email address he gave me , but still no joy. It’s so stressful. Did you email you local office or the one that had your original application. Thanks x


    So did you get a call from the upgrade team after you emailing them?

    I’m gonna call them and email again as another 48 hours gone and still hear nothing


    I have had no contact from the upgrade team
    I have never been told that the email only lasts 24hrs
    We have spoken to customer service everyday.
    Our upgrade request went in on Monday the 11th
    Our upgrade went to Glasgow as this is where our passport is


    No not yet, I rang yesterday and was told that there was notes on there and that I had defo been referred for upgrade but I’ve heard nothing.The only contact from the upgrade team I’ve had was an automated email to say they’ll be in touch in due course x


    We hope to fly on Monday 🙁 We got a call last Monday saying someone would be in touch but no such luck, I have emailed asked for someone to contact me ASAP, if I have to cancel my trip I might get some money back but if I wait to the very last minute I will lose it all – I have no idea what I should do 🙁


    I was told it would take 2-3 working days to hear back. Today is technically day 3 because of the Easter break. Tbh I’ve totally lost hope.

    Good luck everyone.


    The irony in this whole debarkle is that when we booked the Holiday we had just over the required 6 months left on the passport. The holiday company moved the holiday which then meant we did not have the required 6 months left by 2 days…


    Ok so still have not had a response from upgrade team
    Contacted both customer service and Complaint line today.
    Customer service resent our details to upgrade team and told us to send another email as well.
    We are still playing the waiting game



    We received a call today, the person took our details and send us an email address with a link, we had to reply to this and provide proof of travel. I am not sure what department called us back but have any of you got this far and are still waiting? I was told it would take between 2 and 24 hours for a response. We are meant to be flying out on Monday……

    Our passport application is in Ireland – we live in Scotland so I don’t know how it has ended up there!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Christina.

    Christina this sounds promising. Is that following an email you have already sent requesting to upgrade, if so which office was it to? How long ago did you first try to upgrade. Hope it’s sorted for you 🙂



    We send the application for a new passport by Royal Mail, apparently our application is in Ireland, we live in Scotland so I have no idea how it turned up there.:/ We have been trying to upgrade since last week but this is the furthest we have gotten.


    I just spoke to the customer service line and was told because I didn’t put the flight date in the subject, I should email again with that. So I emailed Peterborough upgrade team (forwarded my original email sent last Tuesday) and put in all the information again. Ive also cc my local office. And I got an auto reply from the London office but nothing from Peterborough office. No auto reply the first time I emailed and then I got reply last time on Tuesday but not this time again .
    Is this normal??

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