Has anyone had this text?

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    I have just recieved this text today, application on the 14th of July has anyone else recieved this I fly in 7 weeks it’s a fine line 🙃

    We are sorry that it is taking longer than usual to process your application due to COVID-19. If we don’t need any further information to progress your application, you should receive your passport within 6 weeks.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by haych270688.


    Yes, I received it and an email too saying the same thing. I submitted a child’s first passport application on the 15th of July and the processing began 22nd July and being dealt with by Belfast.


    Are you any closer to the end of processing then? Just wondered if this was a generic email or if they really are behind and it is going to take 6 weeks? Thanks for the reply.


    I got the same text and email, this is my application so far:-

    Application history

    Documents received 8:05pm on 24 July 2020
    Application received 9:32am on 22 July 2020
    Application submitted 9:31am on 22 July 2020


    I’m hoping it’s the whole process is within 6 weeks and not from this message.


    I had the same but it said 5 weeks so hopefully they’ve got something in place to process applications in order now within certain timeframes.


    Well I recieved a text last night saying my passport had been approved and the online says it’s being printed so hopefully comes soon 🙂


    Yes. I had the same text last week. I have applied for a replacement passport as mine is lost. Due to fly on August 18th and only applied on 24 July. Doesn’t look hopeful.


    @haych270688 Did you get your eventually?
    If so did HMPO provide you the tracking number?
    How loong it took from printed till you got it?


    I have just received an SMS advice on 10 August that my Passport renewal is approved and it has been sent for printing. I started the application process on 28 June, they acknowledged receipt of Old Passport on 22 July (actual signed recorded delivery receipt by Durham PP office was 3 July?) and was advised being processed on 27 July. So I’m still waiting! Be surprised if I receive new passport before 20 August? Whatever, I will log it into the passportwaitingtime calculator. So simple renewal will end up taking about 54 days from start to receipt of new passport! Fortunately I do not have an urgent need to travel, but living in France my Passport is my primary identification document which has to be carried at all times and can be demanded by authorities without warning.

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