How to fast-track with only 2 weeks left?

Home Forums General Passport Application Discussion How to fast-track with only 2 weeks left?

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  • #17458

    Hi all.

    I submitted a renewal passport application for my daughter on 1st May. It was updated to ‘documents received’ on the 10th May. It then went into ‘processing’ on the 20th May. Today it returned to ‘documents received’, which looks like a backwards step. Not sure why, but having read things on this forum that seems to be happening a lot.

    We are due to go on holiday on the 2nd July (which is in 17 days time). We have tried calling the helpline but it states not to get in touch until after your passport application has been in the system for 10 weeks (but our holiday is due to take place before the 10 week marker point). However, there was an option to try and upgrade for family bereavement or if family travel was taking place in 2 weeks.

    Is there still a way to apply for an upgrade / fast track our passport when we get to the 2 week point – even though our passport hasn’t been in the system for 10 weeks? How do we do this? In addition, the online chat is never accessible. No-one responds to online submission of forms either.

    People on this forum have also mentioned going to a passport office 48 hours before travel if the worst comes to the worst. Is this still an option? And if so, does it need to be the office where the passport is being processed (for us this is a 7 hour drive). Or would a more local office be able to help us out (i.e. Glasgow, 1 hour away)?

    Thanks in advance.

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