
Home Forums Different Passport Offices Liverpool

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    Amy93- when my photo and my son’s photo was rejected, it took 2 days for it to go to approved.


    Jespop30 – Ah okay thank you! We’re on day 2 today, so fingers crossed!
    Have you had progress on the ones you’re waiting for?


    Amy93 – I have my fingers crossed for you. No update yet, just that as it’s in examination it’s only a matter of time, which doesn’t help me really. It’s the no up dates for 4 weeks that is driving me insane.


    Jespop30 – Thank you so much x

    Oh no still?! They need to get a move on! I’m guessing they’re not much use on the phone either :/ Hope they sort it out for you soon. It’s not on is it.


    Amy93 – it’s even more annoy because all the other I have done this year, came back within 3 weeks, and his had been processing for 30 days now.



    Passport delivered this morning. No TNT text or email but I check their website with my reference number periodically and it appeared on their last night. Delivered this morning. Sent to printing and delivery on 14th March.

    Hoping for positive updates for you all today as I know how frustrating it is 🙂


    Jespop30 – 30 days is a joke 🙁 It’s so unfair the way they manage this process.

    Magnic- that’s great news for you!!! Woo!


    Timeline in case it helps anyone else (I found this site incredibly helpful so thank you all)

    Passport printed and sent8:49am on 14 March 2022
    Application approved11:49pm on 10 March 2022
    Documents received4:21pm on 15 February 2022
    Application received11:31am on 7 February 2022
    Identity details received11:31am on 7 February 2022
    mail sent to person confirming your identity1:23pm on 6 February 2022
    Ask someone to confirm your identity1:14pm on 6 February 2022
    Application submitted1:14pm on 6 February 2022


    Magnic – so pleased for you.

    Amy93 – it’s a joke even more so as I applied when the timeline was 3 weeks turnaround. I still have 16/17 days so it may still arrive, but hope is fading fast.


    I have applied on 23rd Feb my application been approved on the 12th March ans since then did not hear back … No printed ans sent notification … I don’t know what happened, because usually this notification does appear same day or the day after when your application is approved !!!!


    So after assuming my passport application was with Liverpool. As I sent my documents there I have just spoken to the passport office and they have said my application is with Peterborough. It’s now been two weeks in processing. Very doubtful I’ll get my passport by the time I need to fly now


    Stephanieella this exact situation happened to me. I sent my passport to Liverpool and it was transferred internally to Peterborough. Mine has been in processing for 11 days. I need mine for a visa application to work abroad. The whole thing is shambolic. If there was any kind of transparency when I applied I would have paid the extra for the fast track passport. The turnaround was three weeks when I applied, I’m now entering week seven.


    That’s terrible. I’m the same applied when it was three weeks. They said to send a letter. But where am I supposed to send it. Liverpool or Peterborough. It makes no sense. They could at least update us to let us know the processing office has changed.


    Hi all, been monitoring this board for a few weeks now. Applied for 2 passport renewals – 1 adult and 1 child.

    Experience couldn’t be more different from 2 different offices. Both applications sent 22/2. I received the adult one in the post today 18/3. Took 2 weeks to acknowledge my document as received and they said TNT had it around 1 week before they actually did. Overall though can’t really complain with a 1 month turnaround. TNT didn’t provide a tracking number but once showing on their website they delivered in 2 days.

    Child renewal is a whole different story. Been frozen at the document received stage since we applied on 22/2. Only today after about our 5th call did we actually get informed that on 7/3 they rejected my daughters application. Nothing showing online and all prior calls just got told wait the 10 weeks. They can’t tell me why it’s been rejected, if the original person needs to respond, when we will hear back so another person can complete the identity verification checks or anything. Due to fly 3 weeks tomorrow, so will be spending the weekend looking to reschedule as they are incompetent beyond despair. The attitude of some of the people on the calls is disgraceful. Wouldn’t get away with such terrible service in the private sector. Clear as day there is no accountability or any desire to actually help you, as no consequence to providing a bad service.

    Hope others have more success than we did. Thanks Liverpool


    Seems our passports were in close proximity:

    Passport printed and sent 8:49 am on 14 March 2022
    Application approved 11:49pm on 10 March 2022

    Passport printed and sent: 14 March 2022 08:50am
    Application approved: 11 March 2022 1:28am

    + Mine was delivered just now. No TNT e-mail, no SMS, just pure relief!


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