New Passport Upgrade Service!

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    @PBC19 you heard anything?



    Just received a call from upgrade team from Durham can collect my passport from Peterborough on Monday they didn’t even charge me


    Hi all, I’ve been following this forum for over a week as my passport has been stuck in the system for a simple renewal for 8 weeks. We fly on Tuesday 17th May and I applied for an upgrade last Friday. I received the automated response that that have noted the date of travel and that’s all. I called the process team everyday which gave me no answers and still no call for an upgrade.
    I went to Durham passport office in desperation yesterday without an appointment. They saw me and with in minutes sent my passport to get printed! 🙌🏼 They didn’t even charge me for an upgrade. It’s definitely worth going to the passport office in person to get things moving. Good luck everyone x

    Tara A

    When do you fly? Congrats!!



    I’m about to call to get passed to upgrade team….. any tips on the best number?


    Do you live near Durham or was your application being processed there?

    I’m planning to travel there from London next weekend but don’t want to waste my time and money if they don’t hand over my passport.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by AnnaK.

    @AngadSingh1. Not yet, on hold and have my main line attached to me waiting. Changed my Flight to Tuesday, so hoping to be called today. Stressed is an understatement. I’ll go to the London office on Monday if not.


    Just had my call from Durham, application is approved and being delivered Monday for travel Tuesday


    Just spoke to someone on the processing team and they are adamant that my call was not from the upgrade team but the advice line. So I have not been contacted despite originally travelling tomrrow. @shahaed1990 what number did they call from? Was it withheld? I am being told the processing team can’t contact the upgrade team or make notes to them, which is strange as some folks have had assistance with this. I really hope I get a call today or Monday as I am beyond stressed by this whole process. It actually disgusting they way this process lacks transparency and why it is so inconsistent.


    I’m going to pay the hundred odd pound train fare to go to Durham tomorrow. @thankgoodness For those who had success visiting Durham, what do you say to staff to get seen? Want to ensure I don’t waste the journey and get turned away. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by PBC19.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by PBC19.

    I can’t offer any advice as I’m not at that stage…yet, but just wanted to wish you good luck. I hope you can get your passport tomorrow. Fingers crossed


    Travelling on Thursday and still no response from the upgrade team. Apparently the application is being processed at the Liverpool office. This is hundreds of miles away from me. Has anyone gone to a different office despite their application being somewhere else? Wondering if I can go to London which is much close?


    Thanks @AnnaK, really hoping it isn’t a wasted journey.


    Hi all
    my daughter lost her passport after taking it to school for a trip which was cancelled due to covid, school insisted it was returned, so lost passport application logged on 31/03/2022, 3 weeks ago phoned as application was still processing and informed lost passport reference had not been logged on application, due to fly out on 20/05 to Greece, phoned with 2 weeks before travel and was upgraded to Peterborough office, sent off several e-mails which had stern replies about not contacting them about progress,have had call this morning, passsport has been printed and awaiting collection, we were given choices of offices and times, will be collecting on Monday at 4pm from our nearest office (Newport), please do not give up hope!!


    I received my sons passport today. It’s been in the system since Beginning of March. I upgraded on the 5th May as travelling on the 19th.

    Don’t bother ringing the advice lines. Make sure you speak to someone from the progress team and make sure they send your application for upgrade. The first time they didn’t and I lost 2 days.

    Hammer the emails to make sure they have your evidence. They receive them but you don’t always get a automated reply.

    Go to your local passport office. I went today and made it clear I was not leaving without a passport, they will help if they can. Be polite but make it clear you want them to contact the office dealing with the upgrade and they will. They called Peterborough and by the time I went back outside to wait they where on the phone. They didn’t charge either and And it was printer within 2 hours.

    Good luck everyone.

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