New Passport Upgrade Service!

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    Hi, just wanted to fire an update in. Applied for both kids renewals on 31st March and got daughters back middle of April. Sons was in processing since 26th April. Followed all the advice on this thread and requested an upgrade as we fly Sunday 5th of June.i contacted every upgrade team via email every single day. Called them on the phone every single day. 3 different MPs contacted them and I called at the Belfast office 3 times. All to he told I had to wait. After my last visit this morning I then called 01633 745709 at 12.30 and the lady again took all details. At 13.50 I received a call to he told they were gona upgrade the passport which Durham were sorting and it could be collect at the belfast office tomrrow at 12pm. Keep pestering them and keep calling emailing and if possible showing up at the passport office. You’ve nothing to lose. Good luck


    I absolutely agree with pestering them. I was sending emails to each and every email I had every single day, calling both numbers up to 3 times a day.

    I have severe anxiety disorder and did explain this when I tell rang. Some we’re absolutely amazing, some were rubbish but nevertheless I got my daughters passport today after upgrading on Wednesday of last week and I fly Saturday.

    I was ridiculously lucky, like the luckiest human ever but I think my relentlessness helped me out here


    Also just to add.. I was nice as pie during every communication! You don’t want them making a note that you’re shouty or angry as it may make them not want to help


    Sorry to ask a question that has likely been covered a million times but what are the email addresses to use for upgrades, want to make sure I have the right ones, I’ve heard the can be case sensitive, my son’s seems to be stuck in processing in Durham 🤦🏻‍♂️

    I’d hate to waste time using the wrong ones

    I’m optimistic that albeit right to the wire people are getting sorted

    Thanks in advance

    Participant that’s the one I’ve used , however have the processing team put through an upgrade as I’ve heard the email doesn’t mean anything without them requesting it there side.


    Amazing, thank you


    After sending an upgrade request on 6th May and another request on 25th May I finally got a call from the London upgrade team who said I could come tomorrow to pick up my passport but also said they will call tomorrow to confirm so I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Due to fly out on 1st June.

    Thing is I don’t live or work in London. Was going to ask my sister to go on my behalf to collect my documents with a letter from me. Would they accept that or does it have to be me in person?


    My anxiety is through the roof, been waiting a call back from the upgrade team for a week.
    Set off to Peterborough at 02:30 this morning, arrived at 05:30, was seen at 10:30 and was then told that it was in the hands of the upgrade team and I would get a call today or tomorrow.

    We fly on Wednesday, going to set off early again to try Durham tomorrow.

    Spoke to a friend who advised that her friend also went to Peterborough today, she had contacted the upgrade team but had not received a call back. She also flies Wednesday and was given her passports 🙁


    I have called every day and every single time been told different things. I have an email with the upgrade team apparantly waiting.
    My passport is At Peterborough they have told me and I live in Devon it will be a 11 hour round trip for me. If I turn up in Newport will they even see me or shall I go Peterborough? If I just turn up
    This is sending me mental!! I fly on the 8th but with the bank holidays I just don’t know what to do.
    My passport is currently waiting for examination since the 26th

    Any tips please help xxx

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by danielled.

    Flying on 2nd. Call from upgrade team just to say wait for call nothing else can be done. Thinking of travelling to office tomorrow


    All I get when I ring is an automated message saying that the application is being processed once I enter the PEX number and applicant’s date of birth.

    Literally reaching breaking point now


    I spoke with a lady today at Peterborough who arrived just after me, she was told that her son’s was at Liverpool, bot sure what the outcome was though sorry


    Starting to lose hope now.
    Spoke to someone last week to say that I was eligible for an upgrade and that I will get a call in 48 hours.
    Received a call but missed it, was left a voicemail to say to call back.
    Nearly 2 hours on hold to be told the information I was given was wrong.
    As it’s a first adult passport I cannot get an upgrade.
    The passport it self hasn’t even gone to examination after nearly 8 weeks.
    The passport is in Durham which is nearly 5 hours from me and I don’t drive.
    If anyone has any other suggestions on what I can do I would really appreciate it. I fly out on the 3rd.


    So when you’re ringing press 8 and then 3. No other combo.

    @Kyzza I would drive to your local office as they can printed at any because they all work from the same system

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