New Passport Upgrade Service!

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    Yes Yes – Passport has been APPROVED!!!! after 12 weeks!! ‘…a weight of my shoulder’ is an understatement!!

    i got a call from passport office today (Tuesday 14th) a little while ago around 1:30 i missed it initially but luckily they rang again half hour later, the man asked me to confirm a minor detail related to the spelling of my sons name (on the birth cert his name is separated by a space but on the application i put it down as one word) – he said it has to be same as certificate.. which im not bothered.

    Anyhow.. he said it will be printed soon and give me option to collect at my nearest office or get it posted by Royal May 1-day delivery! so hopefully i will have my sons passport on Thursday as there isn’t enough time for it to be printed and sent out for tomorrow.
    doesn’t bother me as flight is still on 22nd yet. i must say i was expecting a nervy wait down to the ire.. and fully expecting to have to drive down to Liverpool office

    And i didn’t get charged any extra fees either

    @Lindsay –
    Have you heard anything further regarding your?

    Have u had any luck with yours?


    Thank god i found this forum!! People going through same situation as i am.
    Applied for replacement passport just over 7 weeks ago(damaged 2 months before fly) due to fly on monday morning early!
    Was told i could fast track however never recievd a call back week went by and finally got a call recieving the info what i need to send now waited 6 days and not even heard anything off fast track people except an email this morning telling me to not contact them again even the helpine or send another email as they will contact me as soon as they can!! As they are shut on sundays im thinking about going down Thursday in person to liverpool if i dont hear anything tomorrow? Ive rang up spoken to so many differnt people who all say something different even the local mp has got involved.


    @andstillwaiting Aww well done that’s brilliant news now you can look forward to your holiday I am a day after you so hopefully then will call. Was it the upgrade team who rang you?
    My update spoke to a man at Newport he was back and forwards checking things for me, said he has sent a message to upgrade team and will contact me within 48, if they don’t said to ring Newport back, in the meantime my daughter who works in Liverpool called into the Passport office on her way home ( I had sent her all the info PEX No and the letter ) said the letter needed scanning onto the computer urgently for the upgrade team, said the lady looked at the details on the computer and went to check with her Manager, came back took the letter and said she will scan it and to ring tomorrow and it will be there for them to see, I still cant settle though as she didn’t say who to ring so will hang on for a bit see if upgrade team ring me. I literally cannot take much more of this.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by lindsay11uk.

    @Joestienberg – that’s great to hear

    not sure which department, i was told that i may get call form examiner if they needed more details, so could’ve been him. but he just said ‘im calling from passport office’
    i really hope you get a call soon, it is very stressful. i feel I’m quite lucky to be called a week before the flight – albeit I’ve waited 12 weeks lol

    i was actually told by one agent that it went into ‘examination on the 10 June! – so don’t know what they were doing for the 10 weeks prior to that!
    like others have said they usually call around 48 hours before travel, worse case u may have to go down to the office.

    i did resend an email late on 13th (Mon) to let them know I’ve sent the additional documents and explained the conversation i had with the customer management team in my email. i put the updated info regarding the extra docs in RED lol.
    dunno if that made a difference but .. way-hay my applications been approved!

    I hope all of you in similar situations are put out of your stress soon!!


    Find it very strange that my ‘application is being processed’ has been taken off the track my passport online… hopefully i will hear something very soon


    We managed to speak to someone this morning on the progress team, they really didn’t seem sure why it had stepped back via the tracker from processing to docs received, their best guess was that my son’s renewal had finally been moved out of the digital decline path and was now on the right path to be reviewed by an examiner, not sure how accurate that is though or how long it will take, we’re really close to 10 weeks now so we’ll see 🤷🏻‍♂️


    Yeah mine says exactly same thing just still have to wait😰


    @flying2holiday same thing happened to me yesterday. The processing tracking went and went back to identity details received. Rang the advice line and she couldn’t give me an answer as to why that happened. My application has supposedly been with the examiner for nearly 2 weeks can’t understand why. Coming up to my 10 week point of waiting now. So stressed as my holiday is next week!! Got a email response from the upgrade team Monday asking not to contact them again and that they have noted I need my passport for 26th June.


    @holly1234_ i am going try get to passport office tomorrow just see if anything can happen i fly on monday they may even just tell me come back another day but who knows i have to try theyve only had my application over 7 weeks now the fast track team told me not contact them or helpine again and they know i need my passport by 20th but still havent told me wether i will be getting it or mot. we will see just a waiting game…(but how long so they expect me to wait) my application onky says documents recived now nothing else…



    Ye same email as me they said they noted I need passport but not to contact again. I rang adviceLine and she sounded hopeful it meant it was acknowledged and they were processing. Seems like they’re ringing 2 days before people fly. They also told us we can collect the passport over the weekend as we fly on Sunday so was worried about that. I think you’ll get a call tomorrow but I would go to the office just to see, seems people are getting more movement by going to the office. Mines in Liverpool so if we don’t get contacted we’re going to go Thursday next week. So stressful!!!


    @holly1234_ I will report back what happenes when i go to office tomorrow


    Hi there, I finally heard back from the upgrade team, who acknowledged my email, and sent me the same message: they are prioritising by date, know that I need the passport by 22nd May, asked not to keep in touch before they contact me. The ‘processing stage’ has disappeared from my tracker as well. One lives in hope….


    We have booked a holiday from 26.06 but still, without passports, the application was submitted on 27.04.2022, and so far I haven’t received any updates.
    I have sent 4 emails to and haven’t received any acknowledgement from them, not sure if they received my emails or if they went loosely.
    Did anyone have the same issues as me?
    any advice is welcome


    @Pavel84. Call the passport helpline. Ask to be passed on to the upgrade team. Your passport might have been sent to another office – this isn’t updated on the tracker. Once you know where is your application, email the relevant upgrade team. Have you provided proof of travel, and indicated your flight date in your email subject?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Ellieined.

    Supporting Papers have been delivered today by Royal Mail
    Passport Delivered 11:42am on 14 June 2022 TNT
    Passport printed 10:44am on 12 June 2022
    Application approved 2:32pm on 9 June 2022
    Documents received 9:44am on 25 March 2022
    Application received 12:42pm on 10 March 2022
    Identity details received 12:41pm on 10 March 2022
    Email sent to person confirming your identity 12:20pm on 10 March 2022
    Ask someone to confirm your identity 12:13pm on 10 March 2022
    Application submitted 12:13pm on 10 March 2022

    I have received my passport yesterday and my documents today

    I have spoken to agent via Webchat. He told me my passport and deedpoll have sent back to me on the 3rd of June. I been asked to send my marriage certificate so I did the next day Wed 8th of June to Glasgow (which was weird). On Tue the 7th I had phone call from Passport office it was one of or my examiner… he asked few questions. Then he rang me on the 9th saying that my marriage certificate has been delivered and they have got it and also to confirm that my passport has been approved.

    On Sunday the 12th I got a message telling me that my passport has been printed and yesterday I got text message about the delivery of my passport

    So after 97 days I got it

    And today my missing papers

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