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    Surprised at the speed tbh, was worried about late August holiday as two passports needed (one new – processed much quicker than even the six week standard in non-Covid times).

    Child Renewal:
    Passport printed and sent 6:56pm on 8 July 2020
    Application approved 6:31pm on 7 July 2020
    Application being processed 2:41pm on 2 July 2020
    Documents received 8:08pm on 26 June 2020
    Application received 10:19am on 18 June 2020
    Identity details received 10:19am on 18 June 2020
    Email sent to person confirming your identity 7:37pm on 17 June 2020
    Ask someone to confirm your identity 7:35pm on 17 June 2020
    Application submitted 7:35pm on 17 June 2020

    Child First Passport:
    Application approved 11:10am on 14 July 2020
    Application being processed 1:59pm on 1 July 2020
    Documents received 12:28pm on 29 June 2020
    Application received 10:23am on 18 June 2020
    Identity details received 10:23am on 18 June 2020
    Email sent to person confirming your identity 7:22pm on 17 June 2020
    Ask someone to confirm your identity 7:16pm on 17 June 2020
    Application submitted 7:16pm on 17 June 2020

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by pigdog.


    Has anyone else had a long delay from receiving the printed and sent message to the actual TNT text and receipt? We had two applications in Peterborough, submitted 29th May
    approved 7th July
    printed and sent 8th July

    For the child’s passport we received the TNT text and passport on 10th July, the adult renewal has been radio silence since being printed and sent on 8th. The missing one was actually set to sent/print about 8 hours earlier than the one we’ve received?!


    This is my timeline for my child’s first passport from Peterborough received today 16/07. It should have been delivered on Monday but TNT only text on the day to say it would be arriving and we were out.

    Passport printed and sent 10:13pm on 8 July 2020
    Application approved 10:21am on 8 July 2020
    *Sent a DM on Twitter to chase 06/07
    Application being processed 11:52am on 12 June 2020
    Documents received 1:05pm on 8 June 2020
    Application received 10:51am on 2 June 2020
    Identity details received 10:50am on 2 June 2020
    Email sent to person confirming your identity 10:06am on 2 June 2020
    Ask someone to confirm your identity 5:31pm on 31 May 2020
    Application submitted 5:31pm on 31 May 2020


    Does anyone know the waiting time between passport printed and sent and delivery by TNT?


    It took my sons 5 days from being sent to receiving it from TNT. You don’t need to be in when it’s delivered, we were out on Monday and it was posted through the letter box.


    You can track on TNT website

    Enter your postcode and PAN (Passport Application Number) without PEX.

    Wish I’d of know this sooner we didn’t get the TNT text, had we of tracked we’d of discovered one of ours went to a wrong address!


    5 days! Did that include weekend days?

    My child’s passport was approved yesterday, half expecting it to be printed and posted today but I’m not 100% confident about that.

    I’m due to travel first thing on Wednesday morning, very nervous few days ahead.

    Thinking of just rescheduling flights to the week later, less stressful of not at significant cost


    Yes it included the weekend, so it was printed and sent on Wednesday and we received it on the Monday, this was just last week from Peterborough.


    How long do child renewals normally stay at the processing stage my child’s had been processing for 6 days now is this normal?


    I found this forum so helpful whilst I was waiting on my daughter’s passport. Here is my timeline:
    Child’s renewal. Documents sent to Peterborough office.

    Passport printed and sent 1:31pm on 17 July 2020
    Application approved 9:26am on 16 July 2020
    Application being processed 10:44am on 10 July 2020
    Documents received 7:55pm on 6 July 2020
    Application received 4:49pm on 24 June 2020
    Identity details received 4:49pm on 24 June 2020
    Email sent to person confirming your identity 10:32pm on 23 June 2020
    Email sent to person confirming your identity 12:19pm on 22 June 2020
    Ask someone to confirm your identity 12:13pm on 22 June 2020
    Application submitted 12:13pm on 22 June 2020

    Passport delivered today – 21st July.
    It took a long time for the documents to be scanned on to the system. I sent her old passport by recorded delivery and they were signed for on 26th June. We contacted our local MP’s secretary. She was very helpful. I believe that her intervention helped push it along, so it’s worth a shot for those of you worried. We travel on 7th August.


    I applied for a child renewal on 7th July. It took a week to even show as received and then a few days before showing as processing. I fly very soon, so I needed to expedite it.
    I found that some staff said it is not possible to expedite – DO NOT listen to them! As long as you can prove that the flight was booked PRIOR to COVID and that you fly in less than two weeks you can get it expedited. Ours arrived today, 28/07/2020, so three weeks in total.

    When I finally had an agreement to expedite the passport, someone from the passport office called. We missed the call and this was a real nightmare as they only give the help desk number and you cannot actually speak to the person that left a message, then, because you missed the call you are put to the back of the queue and at most may have to wait another two days for a call back. It can be very stressful, so please make sure that if you are expecting a call you MUST answer the phone!

    Something else to bear in mind – TNT said they tried to deliver the passport when they actually didn’t, because I have a dog who misses nothing! I then had to rearrange delivery which was not ideal. You cannot speak to anyone at TNT so you just have to have faith in their system. I read some horror stories about TNT losing passports, but thankfully I rearranged for the next day and it arrived safely.

    So in summary, if you want expedited passport you have to persevere and make call after call. I did have to send proof of holiday booking too

    The passport office must be overwhelmed, so I do think they did a great job given the circumstances


    Ordered 2 Child First Passports, both were dealt with by Peterborough,

    Delivered by TNT (posted through door) c. 1pm 29 July 2020
    Passport printed and sent 9:35pm on 24 July 2020
    Application approved 11:29am on 24 July 2020
    Application being processed 3:41pm on 16 July 2020
    Documents received 3:14pm on 13 July 2020
    Application received 2:21pm on 2 July 2020
    Identity details received 2:20pm on 2 July 2020
    Application submitted 7:22pm on 30 June 2020

    2nd Child Passport
    Delivered by TNT (posted through door) c. 1pm 29 July 2020
    Passport printed and sent 8:53am on 25 July 2020
    Application approved 11:39am on 24 July 2020
    Application being processed 3:41pm on 16 July 2020
    Documents received 3:14pm on 13 July 2020
    Application received 2:25pm on 2 July 2020
    Identity details received 2:25pm on 2 July 2020
    Application submitted 10:57am on 30 June 2020


    Hi, Child passport renewal timeline. We are supposed to travel 12 August, only discovered his passport had expired on 21 July. Called the HMPO number immediately and the person said we should be ok? I’m not hopeful, very nervous about not travelling

    Documents received 7:51pm on 24 July 2020
    Application received 5:45pm on 21 July 2020
    Identity details received 5:45pm on 21 July 2020
    Email sent to person confirming your identity 4:55pm on 21 July 2020
    Ask someone to confirm your identity 4:28pm on 21 July 2020
    Application submitted 4:28pm on 21 July 2020


    @Rbann1 my advise is ignore what you’ve been told and call again asking for expedited service. I spent hours chasing, emailing etc. And mine still took 3 weeks. You could be ok but you really need to keep chasing and don’t accept ‘it’ll be ok’ as they have a 400,000 backlog. Expediting is possible but they won’t offer it unless you ask for it and it meets criteria


    Thankyou Dambuster, unfortunately we do not meet the criteria as we booked a couple of days short. They just keep saying that they cannot help and that it could be up to 6 weeks, what should i say?

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