Forum Replies Created
ParticipantOur travel date is the 26th April ( Tuesday)
And belive you me we need a holiday to get over this ordealfingerscrossed2022
ParticipantOk so still have not had a response from upgrade team
Contacted both customer service and Complaint line today.
Customer service resent our details to upgrade team and told us to send another email as well.
We are still playing the waiting gamefingerscrossed2022
ParticipantThe irony in this whole debarkle is that when we booked the Holiday we had just over the required 6 months left on the passport. The holiday company moved the holiday which then meant we did not have the required 6 months left by 2 days…
ParticipantI have had no contact from the upgrade team
I have never been told that the email only lasts 24hrs
We have spoken to customer service everyday.
Our upgrade request went in on Monday the 11th
Our upgrade went to Glasgow as this is where our passport isfingerscrossed2022
Participant@namehere1991 Ours is the 18th of March also had no progress since then and also Glasgow
Participant@minesasangria If its any help there are a few things you need to know
1) I am being told that you can only apply for the upgrade for an ADULT passport being renewed ( not first passport)
2) You have to be within 14 days of your travel date to apply for the upgrade
Hope this helpsApril 20, 2022 at 12:32 pm in reply to: Anybody Who has been sucsessful through new upgrade process please give us all #12785fingerscrossed2022
ParticipantIn all honestly how can we sit here and do nothing like requested.
We have had so many people say dont worry someone will call. Then another day goes by without any contact.
Sounds like we are in the same boat as we all fly early next week (i’m the 26th)
When do we actualy give up hope
I am dreading that phone call to the holiday company.
I know we will loose 5k and there is no chance of getting that money back.
Every phone call raise’s your hope. Only to be dashed when you hear ” would you like to take part in a survey”
We have even been contacted by the passport office to ask us how we found the service. I think you can imagine the response they got.April 20, 2022 at 8:55 am in reply to: Anybody Who has been sucsessful through new upgrade process please give us all #12756fingerscrossed2022
Participant@urgentpassport0426 No they tried to fob us off with “fill in this form” but we demanded they put us through to someone. In the end they gave us a number to call and to be fair they answered quickly. I do not want to give out the phone number on this board due to what happened with the upgrade team. As soon as the news hit that there was an upgrade available then everyone was applying for it ( even the ones outside the 14 day period) which then clogged up the system.
Hope everyone understands
and i am praying we get a call todayfingerscrossed2022
Participant@foxtrotlady still waiting for the elusive upgrade team to call us…..
April 20, 2022 at 6:17 am in reply to: Anybody Who has been sucsessful through new upgrade process please give us all #12746fingerscrossed2022
ParticipantHi everyone
Another day goes by and no contact by the upgrade team.
We made a complaint today to the complaints department. They have told us that they have passed our case onto the upgrade team and we should hear from either someone from upgrade or someone from complaints team in the next 2 days.
We fly on the 26th so i am begining to loose hope.
My wife is broken she has been the one doing all the calls and she cant take anymore. I am now just praying that Glasgow upgrade team contact us todayfingerscrossed2022
Participant@Andrew0510 How did you get a fast track appointment? We have not been offered this and are under a week to go
Participant@LAPP as ritabix said unfortunatly you have to be within 2 weeks of travel to apply for the upgrade and even then its beyond stressful. They are supposed to contact you after 48rs after you applied but we have been waiting a week
ParticipantOur application status has not changed since the 18th of March
@urgentpassport0426 lets hope this is sorted and we can look forward. At this stage the days are slipping awayApril 19, 2022 at 6:15 am in reply to: Anybody Who has been sucsessful through new upgrade process please give us all #12651fingerscrossed2022
ParticipantKebybaby – Great to hear your story. It gives us all hope. Today is a big day i think. Lets hope we all have some good news by the end of it
Participant@Bethanie We got a call the next day. But as i said earlier this was useless to us because all it said was we had to go back to Glasgow