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  • in reply to: 10 weeks wait time exceeded. What next? #17936

    I was told London were dealing with mine but ended up being processed at liverpool… well so they say.

    in reply to: 10 weeks wait time exceeded. What next? #17935

    I would go to an office soon as you can, I have had a nightmare of a time, my passport was printed last Wednesday and still haven’t got it and supposed to fly on Thursday 23rd. I have been told that many lies my head is battered with it all I was allowed to upgrade on the 9th June….while waiting for the call back it processed and went to print the normal way, was waiting for a call to collect that never happened, next phone call was told a courier had picked it up so been hanging on for that and 5 days later still no passport, today I was told it was sent by posted yesterday next day delivery but still not arrived today so tomorrow is my last day for it to come, all the promised call backs didn’t come. I have lost count how many times I have rang waiting for hours on end and its got me no where the whole thing has had me that stressed I feel ill with it
    My daughter went for her fast track appointment last week and said people were showing up whose flights were only in July and they was dealing with them that was at Liverpool.
    If I knew back then it was going to be like this I would of gone to a passport office long ago, take your chance and turn up

    in reply to: New Passport Upgrade Service! #17577


    Update today.. APPROVED AND SENT TO PRINT both in 1/2 hour, spoke to Newport and asked to collect and she said they will contact me in the next 24 hours but will probably be this afternoon but they didn’t call – then at 8.05pm tonight it says ( Your new passport will be transferred to our delivery supplier in the next few days. When it’s ready for delivery, they will contact you with a tracking reference ) she did say it will sit in a box for a few days until the courier collects, so maybe they will ring in the morning while its just been printed and prob just a standard message on tracking
    Did your come today?

    in reply to: New Passport Upgrade Service! #17451

    @andstillwaiting Aww well done that’s brilliant news now you can look forward to your holiday I am a day after you so hopefully then will call. Was it the upgrade team who rang you?
    My update spoke to a man at Newport he was back and forwards checking things for me, said he has sent a message to upgrade team and will contact me within 48, if they don’t said to ring Newport back, in the meantime my daughter who works in Liverpool called into the Passport office on her way home ( I had sent her all the info PEX No and the letter ) said the letter needed scanning onto the computer urgently for the upgrade team, said the lady looked at the details on the computer and went to check with her Manager, came back took the letter and said she will scan it and to ring tomorrow and it will be there for them to see, I still cant settle though as she didn’t say who to ring so will hang on for a bit see if upgrade team ring me. I literally cannot take much more of this.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by lindsay11uk.
    in reply to: No longer in Processing #17448

    I have read loads on this forum this past week, from what I can remember you can track on TNT with your Reference number and also find out where it is being printed and collect, sure it can be pulled from one office to another for them to print, I have been the same all week its like banging your head on the wall your just going round in circles, I praised the web chat yesterday but today I eat my word they replied with a copy and paste off a script and abruptly ended the chat. try ringing Newport they answer straight away 01633 285419 they have helped me more today than service management team.

    in reply to: New Passport Upgrade Service! #17361
    in reply to: New Passport Upgrade Service! #17360


    was it customer service team who sent you the email with upgrade request on or did you just email them?, I had an acknowledgement email and the email this morning and not heard anything since. For the past few days I have been using webchat to see if it has been scanned and they have been very helpful and don’t know if it was coincidence but he said he would leave a note on file as a matter of course ( whatever that means ) and was emailed by upgrade team twice 10 mins after that, was told to to web chat tomorrow with tracking no and maybe the letter can be found. so will carry on checking all week with them and come Monday if I haven’t heard anything I will have to go to the passport office. I am driving from Cornwall on Wednesday as our flights are from Manchester on Thursday dinner so wont have much leeway to be messing about on Wednesday driving to god knows where to collect it, try the webchat it has been quicker than the hour and 20 mins waiting on the phone.

    in reply to: New Passport Upgrade Service! #17327


    I got an email from the upgrade team this morning, saying….. Good morning,

    Could you please provide proof of the holiday which is booked and we can get this looked into!

    They have replied to the second email I sent them with a copy of the letter that is waiting to be scanned in, I received 2 emails worded differently within 10 minutes, the first email I sent had proof of holiday on so they have picked the second email up first. I replied and attached proof an now will wait and see what they come back with.

    1st Email Upgrade – proof of holiday – 9th June
    2nd Email Upgrade – letter attached – 12th June

    Have you heard anything?

    Does anyone know if this service costs £122, I’m sure I have read it somewhere on here

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by lindsay11uk.
    in reply to: Can upgrade and now asked for additional documents #17279

    Her old passport was returned to Newport, customer management said London office are dealing with it and now additional documents sent to Bootle, the additional document is to show I have Parental responsibility it’s the same document I sent in for her first passport nothing has changed, I’ve told them this but they insist on posting it and cannot take into an office.
    I’m due to fly from Manchester as meeting family up there, thing is I live in Cornwall and can only travel up north on the evening of the 22nd and we fly dinner time the 23rd June so mind boggled how To do this.
    I’ve got the rest of this week for it to be scanned in so all I can do is be positive or ignore what they have said and go to Newport.
    It’s so testing on your patience

    in reply to: New Passport Upgrade Service! #17258

    @ennevive Sorry I didn’t realise that message was for me thank you for your reply.
    I’ve been on web chat every day and still not been scanned although they probably only received on the 9th June, they have told me they have to be posted in which they have but also emailed them to the upgrade team I’ve got to try anything. I have got 11 days till we fly it’s just the stress of waiting for them to be scanned in and that’s if they do within 11 days. It’s took them over 5 weeks to ask for the additional paperwork Ive been ringing them for over 2 weeks and no one said a thing until I got an email requesting them

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by lindsay11uk.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by lindsay11uk.
    in reply to: New Passport Upgrade Service! #17253

    Hiya @andstillwaiting
    I’m a similar situation. Have upgraded now want more document and adamant I have to post in to be scanned.
    Have you got any further with yours. I really at a lost end now


    I would just turn up at your nearest office.
    My daughter went to her appointment and said there was 2 queues one for appointments and one for not. Read loads on this forum just turning up.
    I’m in the same boat am waiting on an upgrade but was thinking of just going. I looked yesterday at 9.30am out of curiosity the only appointment was Belfast on the 29th June

    in reply to: New Passport Upgrade Service! #17226

    Any advice appreciated

    I was allowed to upgrade on the 9th June as our holidays is on the 23rd June but still waiting on extra documents to be scanned that they had requested last week. These were posted on the 6th June It’s took them 6 weeks to ask for these. At a lost end at what to do now they saying the upgrade won’t work till documents have been scanned. I have since emailed the upgrade team and attached a copy of this document even though the call center insisted it had to be posted. So I’ve done both. Anyone else been in this situation
    This is a child renewal
    I am so stressed with this and worrying how the little one is gonna feel knowing her extended family of 9 are going on holiday without her and me obviously 😭

    in reply to: Can upgrade and now asked for additional documents #17225

    I have 13 days to get this sorted before my family go away on holiday and been told can take 14 days to be scanned I am so stressed with this and worried how the little one is going to feel when all her family go away and we can’t

    in reply to: New Passport Upgrade Service! #17109

    yes I had a call from the same telephone number it was the passport office call back, left me on hold for 57 mins with the standard.. thank you for your call we are busy :/ stayed on the line anyway and then a different person got on the line asking to help me, the stress this is causing people is unacceptable

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