We have used this website daily over the last few weeks, so thought it might be useful to post our experience.
We live in the UK and applied online for both an Adult and Child Pasport Renewal on Tuesday 27 July.
We posted and sent both passports to Bootle the same day.
They both arrived the next day (Wed 28th) but the Passport Office didn’t update our application with Documents Received until the next day (Thur 29th).
We then heard nothing (not even Processing) until Sat 14th Aug (for Child) and Sun 15th Aug (for Adult) when the status changed to Approved.
Yesterday (Mon 16th) we received a notification for both to say they were on their way!
This was followed by and email from TNT with a consignment number but no details on when it would be delivered.
This morning at 06:30 (Tues 17th Aug) the TNT tracking service said they would be delivered today between 8am – 8pm)
So providing they arrive today, that will be 21 days from Application Submitted.
I will upload our data once they arrive, but I checked the waiting times to day and it is quoting just over 16 days for both Adult and Child Renewals.
Ours were both what I would consider to be straightforward renewals, and ours took 5 days longer than this.
Hope this information will help someone, as I know how desperate I was to try and understand how the Passport System works.