Forum Replies Created
ParticipantFinally had a call back from the upgrade team, and I will be able to collect my passport from Peterborough tomorrow between 2pm & 4pm. Upgrade request was sent Saturday and I fly a week tomorrow. Applied for replacement passport on 24th April. Will be able to relax as soon as I have it in my hand!
ParticipantNo, it was a replacement for a lost passport. Still doesn’t excuse the fact that it’s been sitting in a pile waiting to be examined for 8 weeks.
ParticipantSpoke to the progress team, and there’s nothing more I or they can do. My application went into examination last Wednesday after submitting it on 24th April and my upgrade request has been received as I travel 7th July but it’s not a guarantee that it will be upgraded. They advised that the 48h callback from the upgrade team is no longer happening due to volume of upgrade requests and they are responding to people based on their travel date so will most likely hear back 2-3 days before my flight. There is a chance it could be approved via the normal process this week but I’m not holding my breath. Was also told that there could be a chance that even if my upgrade is approved 2-3 days before I fly, I may not be given the option to be able to collect it from my local passport office and that it will have to be posted out. So unless they send it out next day delivery, I won’t get it before my flight…
ParticipantThanks – on hold now. I rang the main number again and followed up on the upgrade I requested Saturday as was told yesterday if I hadn’t heard back from them by lunchtime today then I should call back. The person I spoke with today said “you just have to wait, we can’t give a time frame. You may be picked for an upgrade, you may not” 😐 So that’s filled me with zero confidence. Due to fly next Thursday and it’s causing me major anxiety.
ParticipantLooks as though that 0850 number has already been disconnected. Tried just now and it’s saying number invalid 🙁
ParticipantWhat’s worrying me, is that the person I spoke to on Saturday requested an upgrade for me over the phone. She asked me what my nearest office was and I said to her Peterborough but also stated that my application is at Liverpool. After we got off the phone, I received the following email:
Thank you for contacting us about your passport application, that you have asked, to be upgraded.
Your request has now been sent to the relevant team who will contact you within 48 hours to discuss further.
For your application to be processed using this service, you will need to provide evidence to support your request to assess If you are eligible for your application to be upgraded. If the evidence is not in English, a translation must be provided.
You must send this evidence to us within 48 hours, or your application will continue to be processed under our standard service.
The evidence should be sent by email to the following email address and the subject header of the email should state the applicant’s name:
HM Passport Office will contact you by telephone or email if we need more information from you.So based on that, I forwarded the email I sent to Liverpool to the Peterborough Team too. Now I’m panicking thinking that it’s going to cause confusion their end and more delays. Got the automated response from Liverpool Team but not Peterborough. I fly on the 7th July.
ParticipantWhat passport office is dealing with your upgrade, and what time did you send the email to them on Saturday? I sent mine to the Liverpool Upgrade Team just before 6pm on Saturday (after being passed to about 7 different people over the space of 2 hours on the phone). Each person kept telling me they were putting me through to the upgrade team and it wasn’t until the final person I spoke to, was told that you can’t be put through to the upgrade team – they only work via email and outbound calls!
Participant@allingine I also fly next Thursday. I’m currently at 9 weeks and 1 day now since I applied for my replacement passport. Did you email the upgrade team Thursday just gone? I had to resend my email again on Saturday as I didn’t receive the automated response from the Liverpool Upgrade Team, so I’m praying I get a call back today.
ParticipantWell no call back yet – hopefully they’ll try again tomorrow. Not sure if that team works until 8pm like the rest of the HMPO.
ParticipantIt is really bad…they need to be consistent for sure. I was told I would get a call back in 48h when I phoned Monday, so rang back yesterday and was told by someone else that I shouldn’t have been given a time frame for a call back and that they’ll ring me when they get to it. I don’t understand how you can be given such conflicting information when they all work from the same system.
ParticipantI rang the main number on Monday and they passed my details onto the upgrade team about 1.30pm.
ParticipantIt will be 9 weeks this coming Sunday since I applied, and I’m due to fly 7th July. I really hope they do call back today…I’m so angry at myself. My phone is not leaving my side from now on haha.
ParticipantDoes anyone have a telephone number for the upgrade team? I just literally missed a call from them whilst nature called, and they did leave a voicemail but no number to call back on!
ParticipantSo an update – I got through to someone on webchat this morning to see if I could get some form of update after providing my lost passport reference three weeks ago so it could be linked to my replacement application. Was told three weeks ago that an alert will be put on my replacement application so the passport officer would be aware – today I’ve been told that it’s not even in examination yet as part of “processing” stage, so there isn’t even a passport officer allocated to it and that they can’t see anywhere that the person I spoke to 3 weeks ago has even emailed the passport office that my application has gone to. Very frustrating!
ParticipantIt really isn’t clear at all. My passport had expired but I lost it when we moved earlier this year. Only by chance by looking at forums like this that I found out I had to report it as lost (even though it had expired) and applied for a replacement on the same day. Luckily the cancellation reference number came through in a couple of days, but even then after only doing a bit of digging, I read that some people had to then contact HMPO to provide the cancellation ref. so that it could be linked to the replacement application as apparently it doesn’t always pull through their end. Keeping my fingers crossed otherwise my other half will be going solo to a wedding in Poland in July!