How long is it currently taking to renew a passport?
We update the average passport renewal time daily based on recent applicant timelines.
It is currently taking 10 days on average to renew a passport. (Updated daily)
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This time shows how exactly how long renewals are currently taking. To find out the processing times for other types of passport including child and 1st adult passports you can view all current passport wait times.
How long did your passport renewal take?
When you do receive your passport renewal please submit how long your application.
Submit your passport renewal time
By submitting your time you really help us to keep our average renewal time as accurate as possible. Also, you will be entered into our free draw to win the cost of your passport renewal in Amazon vouchers.

How do our renewal times differ from HMPO guidelines?
HMPO provide a guideline of 3 weeks, which has recently been reduced from 10 weeks. In the past this has not always been the case due to external factors (such as the pandemic) along with certain times of the year when demand is very high. We calculate an average of how long it is actually currently taking using real applicant timeline data.
Our real time average renewal time gives you a much better indication of how long you are likely to wait for your passport. It can also help you to save money in deciding whether its better to pay the extra fee to Fast Track or to submit a standard renewal application.