May 25, 2022

Passport Experiences 25th May 2022

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Passport Application Experiences

Feedback, experiences, timelines, tips and useful information from people that have recently been through the UK passport application process.

Adult Renewal Passport

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
4 Star – Easy

I had a friend apply on the same day and they got there’s back much quicker (almost 2 weeks sooner)

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
4 Star – Easy

Old passport was sent special delivery but never got scanned as received (this is common apparently for passport office) so a stressful 12 day wait worrying it was lost before the tracker showed it as documents received. Otherwise very quick and efficient service.

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
5 Star – Very Easy

Much quicker than expected!

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
5 Star – Very Easy

2 weeks from application to receive.

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
5 Star – Very Easy

I had the fear as I have flights booked but it arrived within 3 weeks. The longest wait was for them to acknowledge receipt of my old passport (10 days after delivery)

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
5 Star – Very Easy

23 days in total. Longest wait was confirmation the old passport had arrived with them, that gap was 15 days.

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
4 Star – Easy

Online application:
Submitted and received 03 May 2022
Documents received 10 May 2022
Application approved 12 May 2022
Passport printed 13 May 2022
Received 17 May 2022

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
5 Star – Very Easy

Passport printed 5:57pm on 20 May 2022
Application approved 7:45am on 19 May 2022
Documents received 5:10pm on 16 May 2022
Application received 9:00pm on 8 May 2022
Application submitted 8:59pm on 8 May 2022

Excellent service, I sent my old passport via royal mail special delivery. 16 days, bearing in mind this includes 3 weekends. I fly mid June and the only stress came from the media with their scaremongering headlines and reporting the edge cases as the normal.

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
3 Star – Average

Todate royal mail tracker is still showing they will attempt to deliver my documents, which I posted same day as making the online passport application. This caused some anxiety to start with but once passport office confirmed receipt 2 weeks after posting it all went really quick. Would have given 5 stars but the delivery company (TNT) let them down. TNT attempted delivery on 13/05/2022 but I was at work and they could not post through letter box as I live in a flat. The TNT system allowed me to rearrange delivery to the following day which was a Saturday but they never turned up. They attempted another delivery during the week which failed but I had already re-arranged for the next Saturday! Surprise surprise no show again on the 2nd Saturday. Was apprehensive about phoning their customer service/help line after reading all the negative reviews but I phoned anyway. A robot picked up, which I did not have much faith in. I was able to arrange collection with the robot and finally collected my passport from the depot yesterday evening.

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
3 Star – Average

Passport was completed quick but TNT were useless at delivering, I scheduled for a specific day but they kept trying to deliver the day before.

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
5 Star – Very Easy

Exceeded all expectations, no problems at all. Think I was lucky

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
5 Star – Very Easy

Great service, took 2 weeks to acknowledge they had received old passport, but after that all other steps were quick.

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
Please Rate out of 5

My application was submitted at a post office. Two application references were created, which prevented processing. One this was spotted and the processing team resolved it, my passport was printed and delivered promptly. All the stress is now thankfully over.

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
5 Star – Very Easy

Went from child passport to first adult passport with change of name! Used photo from Max Spielman and renewed online, excellent service.

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
5 Star – Very Easy

Very good considering all the hype.

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
5 Star – Very Easy

Was updated via text and email at each stage of the application process.

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
5 Star – Very Easy

Pretty happy with speed of this and the HMPO comms by text and email.

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
2 Star – Stressful

Shouldn’t have had to wait that long as gave 3 months (including name change for wedding) helplines were pointless and just lied! Took MP getting involved and lots of negative feedbacks to push along after 9 weeks.

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
5 Star – Very Easy

After realising my passport was void as it was just over 10 years old! I still had 9 months on it. I panicked I had 3 weeks to receive it no premium services available as it’s too much in demand. I took the decision to try for it the standard way after reading appointments were 3 weeks in advance once you finally got an appointment on line. Thank the lord it came in 1 day short of 2 weeks!! Over the moon doesn’t come close to it thank you so much Bootle passport office.

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
5 Star – Very Easy

Adult renewal sorted very quickly but sent the application for my son’s first passport at the same time and didn’t even get confirmation they’d received documents until I’d already received my new passport. Still waiting to hear his application has been approved over 3 weeks after submitting.

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
1 Star – Very Stressful

Its a shambles!. Cannot get to speak to anyone that is if you are lucky enough to able to join a call queue. I have spent hours holding the line, have emailed and all to no avail. My husband has gone away by himself as I have not had my passport returned. According to the government tracking website, my application is being processed but it has said that since the beginning of May. How hard is it when no personal details have changed? Very angry and upset as I have now missed my holiday which has been pushed forward from originally being booked and paid for in before the first covid lockdown. Incidentally, my passport doesn’t expire until October 2023 but i have been caught out by the validity within 10 years of issue.

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
5 Star – Very Easy

My daughter’s has also expired but I decided to go for fast track… I am still trying to get an appointment for her in the time mine was fully processed and received..!

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
2 Star – Stressful

A month after posting of documents, still haven’t received supporting documents.

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
2 Star – Stressful

Application submitted • 12th April
Application received • 12th April
Documents received • 21st April
Ask someone to confirm your identity • 25th April
Identity details received • 25th April
Application approved • 19th May
Passport printed • 20th May
Delivered • 24th May
I had to change my name but they rejected my first documents so i had to send more. I fly in 4 weeks today. So pleased that my passport is finally here after arguing with them black and white.

Type of Application:
Adult Passport Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
1 Star – Very Stressful

No consistency told different information on every phone call. Very stressful some call operators very rude and unhelpful.

1st Child Passport

Type of Application:
First Child Passport

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
2 Star – Stressful

It took two weeks for confirmation that they had received the supporting documents

Type of Application:
First Child Passport

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
5 Star – Very Easy

Really easy process for first child passport and everything went smoothly and quickly. Unfortunately for me, my own passport renewal which was sent 3 weeks before I done my sons, still isn’t past the processing stage.

Type of Application:
First Child Passport

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
2 Star – Stressful

Passport received: 19 May
Passport printed: 11:09am on 18 May
Application approved: 4:54pm on 16 May
Identity details received: 11:41am on 16 May
Email sent to person confirming your identity: 10:14am on 16 May
Ask someone to confirm your identity: 8:31am on 16 May (application was put on hold at this time because the original ID details were rejected)
Documents received: 9:03am on 27 April
Application received: 9:06am on 9 April
Identity details received: 9:06am on 9 April
Email sent to person confirming your identity: 8:27am on 9 April
Ask someone to confirm your identity: 8:25am on 9 April
Application submitted: 8:25am on 9 April

* I had to contact them twice via the online contact form – when the tracker didn’t update to say they’d received my docs and again on the 14th May when I wanted an update because I was travelling in three weeks. Both times I didn’t receive a reply, but the tracker updated 3 days after contacting them (which is when they said I’d receive a reply), so I do believe my emails helped move things along.

Child Renewal

Type of Application:
Child Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
5 Star – Very Easy

Bootle office-very quick

Type of Application:
Child Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
1 Star – Very Stressful

Absolutely terrible service. Don’t bother phoning. I made nearly 500 calls over a three day period and didn’t speak to anybody!

Type of Application:
Child Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
2 Star – Stressful

Had to send birth cert ,as realised made a mistake , still hadn’t update after 2 weeks and Royal Mail didn’t show signed for either.

Type of Application:
Child Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
2 Star – Stressful

Its been 9 weeks and 1 day since the application was submitted. We are due to fly Wednesday on holiday and still not had a call back after 3 weeks of trying to get in touch with the progress team. Yet others are receiving them back within 3 weeks.

Type of Application:
Child Renewal

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
4 Star – Easy

Whilst this application was processed and returned quickly other family passports not returned and no updates at all about processing.

1 Week Fast Track Application

Type of Application:
1 Week Fast Track Service

Submission Date:
Not Received

Date Received:
Not Received

Overall Experience:
1 Star – Very Stressful

Firstly please ignore the date I gave for passports received as I still have no passports. I realised I lost mine and my sons passport 7 weeks before we are due to travel. I cancelled the passports so that I could book a fast track service. It took 48 hours before the passports were cancelled and I was able to book a fast track appointment. it took over a week to finally get on the system to book an appointment and the system crashed as I completed payment. I had no appointment confirmation but the passport office had £264 of my money. I spent hours the following day trying to speak to someone to understand if I had an appointment, and all they could say was someone will call me back. I took the risk and went online to book another appointment and after an hour of trying at 1am in the morning I eventually booked and paid for an appointment for 18th May. (My original payment for which I got no appointment wasn’t refunded for over a week)The service at Liverpool passport office was slick and I was in and out within 30 minutes with a guarantee that the passports would arrive by tomorrow. Although I was concerned that the gentleman who served me, whilst he was very lovely, placed my applications on a half opened drawer and seemed to have no system in place for where the applications would go. I had heard nothing in 6 days and the tracker at TNT said they didn’t have my details and the automated passport telephone service stated my passports had simply been received. So I called the passport office today (24th May) after hours trying to get through and an hour on hold I was finally told that my passports have not even been printed. They will not guarantee me that I will get my passports before I travel on the night of 30th May and they will not print another passport until they have investigated what has happened. So as it stand I have paid £264 for a fast track service and will not get my passports nor be going on holiday leaving me nearly £3000 out of pocket and no explanation or help to get new ones printed off and allow me to simply go to Liverpool to collect them tomorrow, Instead I have to await their investigation and goodness only knows how long that takes after my previous experiences. I appreciate that there are worse things going on in the world I have a very upset 10 year old who has waited for this trip for two years. I know it was me who lost the passports, but I have done everything in my power to resolve the situation and I had 7 weeks but it has been nothing but painful and slow every step of the way. I can only pray that they call me back tomorrow and agree to print the passports and get them to me before Monday or that I can collect them. The ironic thing is I have seen people on here apply through the regular channels at the same time and get their passports within 5 weeks. If I hadn’t gone down the fast track route I may well have had mine by now! Felt I should share my experience to hopefully save others any heartache. If anyone has any advice it will be greatly received.

Overseas Passport Application

Type of Application:
First UK Passport (Overseas Application)

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
2 Star – Stressful

Application submitted (paid for) on 28/1/2022, documents posted on 2/2/2022, British Passport arrived 18/5/2022, documents arrived 25/5/2022. Documents were sent via express, and I had to send an additional document as well.

Overall very stressful, especially as you have to send originals overseas. Make sure to apply well in advance of any travel plans, or don’t book anything until you actually get you Passport.

Type of Application:
Adult Renewal (Overseas Application)

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
4 Star – Easy

Overseas renewal from France. Online application submitted 5 April. Old passport posted to Durham office on 6 April. Then a long wait until it was acknowledged as received on 12 May. After that it was fairly quick. New passport delivered on 23 May.

Passport printed 9:24pm on 17 May 2022
Application approved 2:07pm on 16 May 2022
Documents received 10:52am on 12 May 2022
Application received 1:48pm on 5 April 2022
Application submitted 1:47pm on 5 April 2022

Type of Application:
Adult Renewal (Overseas Application)

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
3 Star – Average

The gap between documents being signed for and acknowledged as received was annoying, but the gap from then till approval was just plain frustrating. I guess I should be happy to get my passport in 7 weeks including international posting times!

Type of Application:
Adult Renewal (Overseas Application)

Submission Date:

Date Received:

Overall Experience:
4 Star – Easy

It took 3 weeks between my old passport being delivered to HMPO confirming they had received it. After that point the turn around and communication was excellent.

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